
Deine tägliche Dosis Vitamin "i"

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1995 schrieb ein sehr berühmter Mann in seinem Buch „the road ahead“

„What do you carry on your person now? Probably at least keys, identification, money, and a watch. And maybe credit cards, a checkbook, traveler’s checks, an address book, an appointment book, a notepad, something to read, a camera, a pocket tape recorder, a cellular phone, a pager, concert tickets, a map, a compass, a calculator, an electronic entry card, photographs, and maybe a loud whistle to call for help.
You’ll be able to keep equivalent necessities — and more — in an information appliance I call the wallet PC. It will be about the same size as a wallet, which means you’ll be able to carry it in your pocket or purse. It will display messages and schedules and let you read or send electronic mail and faxes, monitor weather and stock reports, and play both simple and sophisticated games. At a meeting, you might take notes, check your appointments, browse information if you’re bored, or choose from among thousands of easy-to-call-up photos of your kids

Wallet PCs with the right equipment will be able to tell you exactly where you are anyplace on the face of the earth. The Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites that orbit Earth right now broadcast signals that enable jetliners, oceangoing boats, cruise missiles, some cars — and even hikers with handheld GPS receivers — to know their exact locations. Such devices are currently available for a few hundred dollars, and eventually they’ll be built into many wallet PCs.


Off the roads, on a hike in the woods, the wallet PC will be your compass and as useful as your Swiss Army Knife.

In fact, I think of the wallet PC as the new Swiss Army knife.

The wallet PC will connect you to the interactive network while you travel and tell you where you are. A voice from its built-in speaker will let you know that a freeway exit is coming up or that the next intersection has frequent accidents. It will monitor digital traffic reports and warn you that you’d better leave for the airport early, or it will suggest an alternative route. The wallet PC’s color maps will overlay your location with whatever kinds of information you want — road and weather conditions, campgrounds, scenic spots, even fast-food places. You might ask, ‘Where’s the closest Chinese restaurant that’s still open?’ and the answer will be transmitted to your wallet by wireless network.


Eventually we’ll also be able to speak to televisions, personal computers, or other information appliances. At first we’ll have to stick to a limited vocabulary, but eventually our exchanges with our appliances will become quite conversational.“

Äusserst weitsichtig, dieser Mann, denn das damals visionierte Gerät ist heute weltweit so verbreitet, wie die Angst vor der Finanzkrise. Wer war dieser Mann?

Steve Jobs? Matthias Horx? Uri Geller?

Weit gefehlt: das war Bill Gates. Ebenso verkündete er im Jahre 2001 auf der weltgrößten Komsumelektronikmesse CES das Kommen des Tablet-Computers. Neun Jahre später dementiert sein Nachfolger auf dem Stuhl des Microsoft-Chefsessels, Steve Balmer, Gerüchte um ein Tablet dieser Firma. Microsoft hatte kein Interesse daran. 4 Monate später bringt Apple das iPad auf den Markt und zweieinhalb Jahre später zieht Microsoft hinterher – als eine der letzten Firmen am Markt…

Wie konnte es sein, dass der Visionär Bill Gates den Traum nicht liefern konnte, den er verkündete?

„Real artist ship“ (echte Künstler liefern) hat Steve Jobs gesagt.

Ich wünsche Euch heute gute Visionen einer großartigen Zukunft, aber noch viel mehr wünsche ich Euch heute, dass ihr einen kleinen Teil davon Wirklichkeit werden lassen könnt.

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